We are the proud owners of a new baby. Our new baby boy was born 8 pounds 11 and is now six months old. Dad had some time off with paternal leave but Mum is at home and we are lucky that our extended family live locally so we are frequently in and out of each other’s houses. Our little boys room is close to ours and we are glad to say he is pretty much sleeping through the night now, so we are getting a little more of that most treasured parental possession, sleep!
However, the opportunity to sleep presents some different kinds of challenges when it comes to having a sleepless night. You cannot help worrying that baby is OK and, if you sleep too deeply, that you will not hear him should he be distressed, or need attention. Lack of sleep can put some strain on the relationship and being stressed or concerned about the baby is not good for the parents.
Peace of mind
We are new parents so we looked into baby monitors and decided to invest in a babyphone. We chose a babyphone Philips Avent SCD923 because it looked straight forward to use, was compatible with i-phone and other phones via wifi, it has a night light, lullabies and you can interact with it remotely. You can also connect via an ethernet cable should you be worried by radio waves or emissions around your baby. Since we bought the babyphone we feel a lot more comfortable at night and during the day my wife uses it when baby has a nap and she is downstairs relaxing or in the kitchen. It feels like one of those gadgets that once you buy and use you don’t know how you could do without it! I guess we did not choose the cheapest solution and it could be that we might have been OK to hear our baby as our room is fairly close by. However, for the peace of mind we now enjoy, we think it has been well worth the investment.
Since we got the babyphone we have re-discovered some of our normal evening activities. We now have a late evening meal or watch some TV together, so it has generally helped bring us together and give us some time as a couple back.